The European Centre of Tort and Insurance Law is involved in a number of comparative legal research studies, the results of which are published in the series "
Tort and Insurance Law
" by de Gruyter (Berlin/Boston).
Current Research Projects
Database on European Tort Law (
The European Tort Law Yearbook
Scarce Resources and the Civil Liability of Hospitals
Liability for Human Rights Violations and Environmental Damage in Supply Chains
New Product Liability Directive
World Tort Law Society
Liability for Road Traffic Accidents
Completed Projects
The Basic Questions of Tort Law from a Comparative Perspective
The Special Case of Mass Torts
Legal Implications of Third Party Liability for the European Security Industry
Medical Malpractice and Compensation in Global Perspectice
Proportional Liability
Employers' Liability and Workers' Compensation
Loss of Housekeeping Capacity
Human Rights and Tort Law
Liability and Redress Mechanisms for Damage Caused by GMOs in the Food and Feed Supply Chain
Aggregation and Divisibility of Damage
Tort and Regulatory Law
Children in Tort Law: Children as Tortfeasors and Victims
Tort Law and Liability Insurance
Auditors' Liability
Terrorism, Tort Law and Insurance
Pure Economic Loss
No-fault Compensation in the Health-Care Sector
Liability for and Insurability of Biomedical Research with Human Subjects in a Comparative Perspective
Compensation for Personal Injury in a Comparative Perspective
Medical Liability in Europe
The Impact of Social Security on Tort Law
Damages for Non-Pecuniary Loss in a Comparative Perspective
Cases on Medical Malpractice in a Comparative Perspective
Compulsory Liability Insurance
Chinese Tort Law
Japanese Tort Law
Contractual Penalty and Lump Sum Damages
Accountability of Politicians
Liability for Means of Transport
Liability for Artificial Intelligence and Software
Differenziertes Baumgefahrenmanagement in österreichischen Nationalparks
Pandemics - Liability and Insurance
Principles of European Tort Law
Public Authority Liability
Product Liability
The Borderline between Tort and Contract: Interactions and Implications
Prescription and Time Limits in Tort
Sino-European Private Law Forum
The Aims of Tort Law
The Protection of Personality Rights in Comparative Perspective
Tortious and Contractual Liability
Fault-based and Strict Liability
World Tort Law Society
Product Liability