Symposium honouring Helmut Koziol, 8 and 9 May 2025 at the Meerscheinschlössl in Graz
Helmut Koziol hat seit den Anfängen seiner langen wissenschaftlichen Karriere immer wieder die Vorzüge des ABGB als Kodifikation hervorgehoben; er hat auch an grundlegenden Reformvorhaben mitgewirkt. Die Europäische Perspektive dabei zu berücksichtigen und mitzugestalten ist ihm ein besonderes Anliegen. Aus Anlass des 85. Geburtstags von Helmut Koziol wollen die Veranstalter Wegbegleiter und Freunde einladen und gemeinsam Risiken und Chancen im Umgang mit Zivilrechtskodifikationen diskutieren. Immer wieder erforderliche Anpassungen einer Kodifikation bringen besondere Herausforderungen in der Gesetzgebung mit sich. Dabei können teilweise nationale Besonderheiten in den Traditionen eine erhebliche Rolle spielen. Thematisch sollen zuerst allgemeine Problembereiche zu Reformen und der Europäisierung von Zivilrechtskodifikationen diskutiert werden, danach werden einzelne, grundlegende nationale Reformvorhaben vergleichend besprochen.
For more information, please see the programme.
24th Annual Conference on European Tort Law
The 24th Annual Conference will be held in Vienna from April 24 to 25, 2025 in the Festive Hall of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. It provides a unique opportunity for both practitioners and academics to discover the most significant tort law developments from across Europe in 2024. Experts from each of the many jurisdictions presented select highlights from their contributions to the European Tort Law Yearbook, an annual volume which provides a comprehensive overview of legislative and judicial developments in tort law throughout Europe during the preceding year. The Yearbook ‘European Tort Law 2024’ will be published in autumn 2025.
For more information, please visit the conference website.
Juristenrunde with Stefan Jahn
Mag. Stefan Jahn, University Assistant at the University of Vienna, holds a Juristenrunde lecture on the protection of obligatory rights against infringements by third parties (“Zur Beeinträchtigung fremder Forderungsrechte”) on Monday, 9 December 2024, at 11:00. He will provide an overview of the respective developments in Austrian legal research and case law over the past two centuries and outline his own position and concept.
The lecture is in German language and takes place in the institute's premises. If you are interested to join, please register with ectil(at)
New ETL publication: Digest Volume 4: Essential Cases on the Limits of Liability
ETL published the fourth volume of the ’Digest of European Tort Law’ series: Essential Cases on the Limits of Liability.
The book systematically examines a broad range of instruments aimed at limiting liability for damage. Unlike current textbooks, national casebooks and monographs, it builds on experience gathered in various legal systems over the past decades and thereby fills a major gap in tort law literature.
The volume contains a selection of the most important cases from 27 European States as well as decisions by European Union courts. It also highlights cases from earlier periods of legal history. For each case, the facts and the relevant court decision are presented and accompanied by an analytical commentary. In addition, comparative analyses of the reported cases are provided and a special report tackles the question of how key cases would be resolved under model European rules on tort law.
You can find more information and order the volume here.
Conference on responsibility in the supply chain
On 18 October 2024, Barbara C. Steininger and Michael Lysander Fremuth hosted a thought-provoking conference at the University of Graz (REWI Uni Graz) to discuss civil responsibility in the supply chain, with a special emphasis on the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive, or CS3D. Jointly organised by ETL, ECTIL, the Centre for European Private Law of the University of Graz (CEPL), the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Fundamental and Human Rights (LBI-GMR), and the University of Vienna, the event brought together practitioners, academics, and stakeholder organizations, sparking engaging discussions and valuable insights on corporate responsibility in global supply chains.
Impressions of the event are available on the ETL website.
Flood waters: who pays for the losses?
Director Ernst Karner sat down for an interview, in which he assesses the situation after the most recent floodings in Austria and answers some of the most frequent questions regarding the compensation for losses.
Read the interview (German)
23rd Annual Conference on European Tort Law
The 23rd Annual Conference was held in Vienna from April 4 to 5, 2024 in the Festive Hall of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. It provided a unique opportunity for both practitioners and academics to discover the most significant tort law developments from across Europe in 2023. Experts from each of the many jurisdictions presented selected highlights from their contributions to the European Tort Law Yearbook, an annual volume which provides a comprehensive overview of legislative and judicial developments in tort law throughout Europe during the preceding year. The Yearbook ‘European Tort Law 2023’ will be published in autumn 2024.
Juristenrunde with Filip Melzer
JUDr. Filip Melzer, LL.M., Ph.D., Associate Professor at Palacký University Olomouc and Masaryk University Brno, holds a Juristenrunde lecture on recent changes in Czech Tort Law ('Das neue tschechische Haftpflichtrecht – die wichtigsten Änderungen') on Monday, 13 November 2023 at 11:00. The lecture is in German language and takes place in the centre's premises. If you are interested to join, please register with ectil(at)
Juristenrunde with Anne Marie Frøseth
Dr. Anne Marie Frøseth, Professor at the University of Bergen, Norway, holds a Juristenrunde lecture on 'Enterprise Liability Models and Challenges Arising from the Specific Risk Profile of AI Systems' on Friday, 10 November 2023, 12.00h. The lecture takes place in the centre's premises and is free of charge. If you are interested to join, please register with ectil(at)
Juristenrunde with Anatoliy Kostruba
Dr. Anatoliy Kostruba, Professor of Civil Law of the Ukraine and Contract Researcher at the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, holds a Juristenrunde lecture on Ukrainian Tort Law and 'War torts' on Monday, 6 November 2023 at 11:00. The lecture has the title 'War Torts: Ukraine's Broken Heart Contribution to the Development of EC Tort Doctrine' and takes place in the centre's premises. Participation is free of charge. If you are interested to join, please register with ectil(at)
Juristenrunde with Maciej Kochanowski
Maciej Kochanowski, PhD Canditate at Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland, and currently guest researcher at ETL, holds a Juristenrunde lecture on the 'Foreseeability of damage according to Article 74 (second sentence) CISG' on Monday, 30 October 2023 at 11:00. The lecture takes place in the centre's premises and is free of charge. If you are interested to join, please register with ectil(at)
Conference on Medical Liability in the Digital Age
The European Group on Tort Law jointly with the Research Center Medical Law of the University of Innsbruck organize a conference on “Medical Liability in the Digital Age” in Innsbruck. It will take place on Thursday, 28 September 2023, from 10:00 to 17:00 h, in the UNO room of the University of Innsbruck main building and will also be streamed live. Participation is free of charge upon registration at, where you will find further details on the conference. You can also download the conference information.
Juristenrunde with Christoph Rothenfußer
Dr. Christoph Rothenfußer, Partner at Milbank LLP, held a Juristenrunde lecture on the 'Rekonstruktion des Kausalbegriffs der Äquivalenztheorie und Folgerungen für das System der objektiven Zurechnung' (Reconstruction of the legal concept of causality and its implications for the system of objective attribution) on Monday, 19 June 2023, 17.00h. The lecture took place in the centre's premises.
Juristenrunde with Ádám Fuglinszky
Dr. Ádám Fuglinszky, LL.M., Professor of Civil Law at the Eötvös Loránd University, held a Juristenrunde lecture on bereavement damages ("Angehörigenschmerzensgeld: Wem - Wofür - Wieviel? Ein multidimensionales Modell und die Erfahrung der neueren Rechtsentwicklung in Ungarn") on Monday, 5 June 2023 at 11:00. The lecture took place in the centre's premises.
New Publication: European Tort Law 2021
The European Tort Law Yearbook provides a comprehensive overview of the latest developments in tort law in Europe. It contains reports on most EU Member States alongside contributions from Norway and Switzerland. An overview of developments in the field of EU law is also provided. In conclusion, a comparative analysis reviews the essential aspects of all the reports, which are written by scholars from their respective jurisdictions.
[More Information]
New Publication: Civil Liability for AI and Software
The first study published in this volume analyses the largely unresolved question as to how damage caused by artificial intelligence (AI) systems is allocated by the rules of tortious liability currently in force in the Member States of the European Union and in the United States, to examine whether - and if so, to what extent - national tort law regimes differ in that respect, and to identify possible gaps in the protection of injured parties. The second study offers guiding principles for safety and liability with regard to software, testing how the existing acquis needs to be adjusted in order to adequately cope with the risks posed by software and AI. The annex contains the final report of the New Technologies Formation of the Expert Group on Liability and New Technologies, assessing the extent to which existing liability schemes are adapted to the emerging market realities following the development of new digital technologies.
[More information]
Juristenrunde with Filippo Zemignani
Filippo Zemignani, guest researcher at ECTIL and PhD candidate of the University of Trento, holds a Juristenrunde lecture on traffic accident liability and self driving cars on Monday, 21 November 2022 at 11:00.
The lecture takes place at the Centre's premises and is free of charge. If you are interested to join, we would kindly ask you to register with ectil(at)
Juristenrunde with Chris Thomale
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Chris Thomale, LL.M. (Yale), Professor of International Commercial and Business Law at the University of Vienna, holds a Juristenrunde lecture on "Die deliktsrechtliche Forderung – Ein Sonderling des Privat- und Zivilverfahrensrechts" ("Delictual claims - a peculiarity of private and civil procedure law") on Monday, 14 November 2022 at 11.00h.
The lecture takes place at the Centre's premises and is free of charge. If you are interested to join, we would kindly ask you to register with ectil(at)
PETL - Where are the gaps and how to fill them
On 23-24 September 2022 Monika Hinteregger, Ernst Karner, Helmut Koziol, Katarzyna Ludwichowska-Redo and Barbara Steininger took part in and held lectures at the conference „Principles of European Tort Law. Where are the gaps and how to fill them“, held in Geneva in honour of Prof. Bénédict Winiger. [Download the programme]
Pandemics - Liability and Insurance
On 23-24 June 2022, ECTIL, in collaboration with ETL, successfully co-hosted the 19th Joint Seminar of the International Association for the Study of Insurance Economics (The Geneva Association) and the European Association of Law and Economics (EALE) in Vienna. Its aim was to ensure that what has been learned in the current pandemic is not forgotten and put to paper at the highest possible level. We would therefore like to express our special thanks to all participants for two intense days of outstanding interdisciplinary exchange, which will contribute to a better handling of the current and – hopefully faraway – next pandemic. [See the programme]
Juristenrunde with Andrea Cioni
Andrea Cioni, PhD candidate at the University of Pisa, held a Juristenrunde lecture titled 'Damages caused by pharmaceutical products: in between the PLD and article 2050 of the Italian Civil Code. Towards a PDL reform' on Tuesday, 21 June 2022, 11.00h. The Juristenrunde took place at the Centre’s premises.
Book Presentation: Vertragsstrafe
ECTIL, the Institute for European Tort Law and the Association of Metaltechnology Industries of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber presented the latest result of its cooperation, the book "Vertragsstrafe und Schadenspauschalierung" (Contractual Penalties and Liquidated Damages) by Ernst Karner and Alexander Longin. The event took place on 17 May 2022 at the Theatersaal of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and featured presentations by Austrian Supreme Court Judge Georg Kodek as well as by both authors. [More information in German language]
21st Annual Conference on European Tort Law
On April 21 and 22 the 21st Annual Conference on European Tort Law (ACET) took place and provided a unique opportunity for both practitioners and academics to discover the most significant tort law developments from across Europe. [More information]
New Publication: European Tort Law 2020
The European Tort Law Yearbook provides a comprehensive overview of the latest developments in tort law in Europe. It contains reports on most EU Member States alongside contributions from Norway and Switzerland. An overview of developments in the field of EU law is also provided. In conclusion, a comparative analysis reviews the essential aspects of all the reports, which are written by scholars from their respective jurisdictions. [More Information]
Juristenrunde with Mónika Józon
Mónika Józon, Associate Professor of the Sapientia-Hungarian University of Transylvania, held a Juristenrunde lecture on 'Tort Law Developments in Romania after 10 years of the ’New’ Civil Code' on Monday, 13 December 2021, 11.00h. The lecture was broadcast via Zoom.
Juristenrunde with Johannes W Flume
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Johannes W. Flume gave a Juristenrunde lecture on "How to calculate damages?" ("Wie berechnet man einen Schaden?") on Thursday, 11 November 2021. He discussed the foundations of damages calculation based on market prices and price estimates.
New publications: Mehrstufiger Warenverkehr
In his latest publication "Mehrstufiger Warenverkehr - Spezifische Probleme bei Vertragsketten" Helmut Koziol explores and discusses specific problems arising in supply chains. [More information]
Pandemics - Liability and Insurance
The 19th Joint Seminar of the International Association for the Study of Insurance Economics (The Geneva Association) and the European Association of Law and Economics (EALE) will discuss liability implications of pandemics for the (re-)insurance industry, a highly relevant topic in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic and possibly again in the future. [See the call for papers]
New publications: Liability for Means of Transport
The second and third part of the project on the liability for railways are now published with Verlag Jan Sramek. Gregor Christandl and Olaf Riss assess the current Europe-wide need for harmonisation. Helmut Koziol develops proposals for the further development of railway liability in the EU. [More information]
New Publication: Tortious and Contractual Liability
Differing notions of the underlying concepts and functions of tortious and contractual liability, as well as the dividing line between the two fields, are a promising subject for a comparative study which seeks to contrast the discussions within continental European law and the common law with the relatively young Chinese perspective. The results of this study were published with Verlag Jan Sramek. [More information]
EC study on Artificial Intelligence
Initiated by the European Commission, a new ECTIL study examines the liability for artificial intelligence. The study is being conducted in cooperation with ETL and is led by Ernst Karner (ETL, ECTIL and Vienna University) and Bernhard A Koch (Innsbruck University). [More information]
Juristenrunde with Cemre Polat
Cemre Polat, currently guest researcher at the Institute for European Tort Law (ETL), held a Juristenrunde on the 'Liability of producers of autonomous systems under the EU Product Liability Directive' on Tuesday, 15 December 2020, 11.00h.
Juristenrunde with Julian Pehm
Julian Pehm, research assistant at the Institute of European Tort Law (ETL), held a Juristenrunde on the topic of 'Wucher in Vertriebsketten – „Vertriebskettenproblematik“ und mögliche Auswege am Beispiel des Arzneimittelhandels' (Price gouging in supply chains - the 'supply chain problem' and possible remedies using the example of pharmaceuticals) on Monday, 7 December 2020, 11.00h.
New Publication: European Tort Law 2019
The European Tort Law Yearbook provides a comprehensive overview of the latest developments in tort law in Europe. It contains reports on most EU Member States alongside contributions from Norway and Switzerland. An overview of developments in the field of EU law is also provided. In conclusion, a comparative analysis reviews the essential aspects of all the reports, which are written by scholars from their respective jurisdictions. [More Information]
Juristenrunde with Alexander Longin
Alexander Longin, research assistant at the Institute of European Tort Law (ETL), held a Juristenrunde lecture under the title of 'Recht auf Anpassung des Werkvertrags' (Right to modify a contract for services) on Wednesday, 1 December 2020, 11.00h.
New Publication: The Liabilities of Politicians
The project focuses on the responsibility of politicians involved in public administration. The study was instigated by Members of ECTIL’s Supervisory Board because of the particular relevance of the subject at present and a lack of detailed treatments of the area to date. The results of the project were published with Jan Sramek Verlag in May 2020. [More information]
New Publication: Contractual Penalties
With this project, conducted by ECTIL in cooperation with ETL and the Association of Metaltechnology Austria, Ernst Karner (ETL, ECTIL and Vienna University) and Alexander Longin (ETL) examine selected problems raised by contractual penalties. The book was published with Jan Sramek Verlag in May 2020. [More information]
New Publication: Essays in Honour of Helmut Koziol
On the occasion of Helmut Koziol's 80th birthday, he is presented for the third time already with a collection of essays in his honour. 'Essays in Honour of Helmut Koziol' features a diverse collection of contributions by friends as well as colleagues and can be understood as an expression of the deep respect and affinity felt by the contributors to this volume. [More information]
Pierre Widmer
On 13 May 2020, Pierre Widmer, one of our founding members, passed away at the age of 82. We are deeply saddened by the loss and would like to extend our heartfelt and sincere condolences to his wife and family. [Read more]
New Publication: European Tort Law Yearbook 2018 published
The European Tort Law Yearbook provides a comprehensive overview of the latest developments in tort law in Europe. It contains reports on most EU Member States alongside contributions from Norway and Switzerland. An overview of developments in the field of EU law is also provided. In conclusion, a comparative analysis reviews the essential aspects of all the reports, which are written by scholars from their respective jurisdictions. [More Information]
New EGTL Publication: The Borderlines of Tort Law
This book edited by Miquel Martin-Casals explores how differences between tort and contract affect the foundations of liability, the nature and amount of the compensation, the extent of liability and whether defences and limitation periods corresponding to the distinct causes of action give rise to substantially different outcomes. [More Information]
Juristenrunde with Fang Shaokun
Professor Fang Shaokun, professor of Yantai University Law School and Jilin University Law School, held a Juristenrunde lecture on the 'Codification of the Chinese Civil Code' on Wednesday, 8 January 2020. The event took place in the Centre's premises.
Conference honouring Helmut Koziol, Ulrich Magnus and Pierre Widmer
On the 7th of November 2019 the Dutch Association for Liability Law and the Law of Remedies devoted a conference to honour the major contributions of three giants in the realm of liability law: Professor Helmut Koziol, Professor Ulrich Magnus and Professor Pierre Widmer. [More Information]
4th Meeting of the Sino-European Private Law Forum
On 18 October 2019, the Sino-European Private Law Forum held its 4th biennial meeting, where current projects were discussed. Moreover, first results of the “Fault-based and Strict Liability” project were presented in a public conference. Click here for the full programme.
ELI Conference on Insurance Governance
On Thursday, 10 October 2019, the European Law Institute invites to a conference on "Systems of Governance in the European Insurance Industry". Renowned experts will discuss key issues of Solvency II, the implementation of key functions of insurance undertakings in the EU, and internal control systems. The conference takes place at the top floor of the Juridicum, University of Vienna. [More information]
Juristenrunde with Clara Bonfils Gispert
Clara Bonfils Gispert, PhD Canditate at the Universitat de Girona, outlined main topics of the 'Liability of robotics and artificial intelligence' in a Juristenrunde on 5 August 2019, 11.00h. The event took place in the Centre's premises.
New Publication: Die Haftung von Eisenbahnverkehrs- und Infrastrukturunternehmen im Rechtsvergleich
On 17 January 2019, the first part of the "Liability for Means of Transport" project was published with Jan Sramek Verlag. The book edited by Helmut Koziol offers comprehensive reports on the topic of railroad liability in Austria, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy and Switzerland and investigates current reform needs. [More information]
Juristenrunde: Katarzyna Kryla-Cudna
ECTIL hosted another Juristenrunde. Katarzyna Kryla-Cudna, Assistant Professor at the Tilburg University, gave a presentation on 'Breach of Contract and Damages for Non-Pecuniary Loss' on Thursday, 6 December 2018. The event took place in the Centre's premises.
New Publications: European Tort Law Basic Texts and Tort Liability Law of China
The second edition of European Tort Law Basic Texts edited by Ernst Karner, Ken Oliphant and Barbara Steininger makes available English versions of basic tort law texts from almost all the legal systems of the EU and EFTA, as well as Russia and Turkey. The book Tort Liability Law of China authored by Lixing Yang provides a profound overview of Chinese Tort Law to English-speaking readers. For more information, please click the links.
Juristenrunde: Lena Kolbitsch
ECTIL hosted another Juristenrunde. Mag. Lena Kolbitsch of the University of Vienna gave a presentation on 'Die Haftung im Gefälligkeitsverhältnis' on Thursday, 15 November 2018.
Symposium: Patients' Consent and Medical Liability
ECTIL together with the Institute for European Tort Law, Ecclesia GrECo Hospital Versicherungsmakler GmbH, and the Austrian Medical Association held a symposium on "Patienteneinwilligung und ärztliche Haftung" which took place on 15 October 2018 in Vienna. [More information]