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Supervisory Board
Board of Directors
Sponsors & Supporting Members
Contributors to ECTIL projects

Sponsors & Supporting Members

As a non-profit organisation, ECTIL is dependent on financial subsidies and recognised by the Austrian tax authorities as a donation-privileged research institution*.

ECTIL strives to broaden its financial basis through donations and the annual fees of Supporting Members (min. fee € 1,500 p.a.) and Sponsors (min. fee € 5,000 p.a.). Supporting Members and Sponsors are entitled to the benefits listed below.

Donations made to ECTIL are, according to § 4a Abs 2 Z 1 and Abs 3 Z 4 to 6 of the Austrian Income Tax Law (Einkommensteuergesetz, EStG), tax-reducing donations.


The European Centre of Tort and Insurance Law is currently supported, among others, by the following major sponsors:

  • ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG (main sponsor)

Further sponsors, in alphabetical order:

  • Association of Metaltechnology Industries (Fachverband Metalltechnische Industrie), Vienna
  • Austrian Federal Ministry of Justice
  • Austrian Insurance Association
  • Austrian Society for Bank Research (BWG)
  • Prof (FH) Mag Otto Lucius (Banking Education & Examination Centre – BEC GmbH, Vienna)
  • Munich Re
  • Swiss Insurance Association

In 2007 and 2009 ECTIL was supported by the European Union/Commission Directorate General freedom, security and justice.

Supporting Members

The following individuals and institutions are currently supporting members of ECTIL:

Attorneys & Law Firms

Other Institutions


  • Bénédict Winiger
  • Michael D. Green

Benefits for Supporting Members and Sponsors

  • discounted rate for the Annual Conference on European Tort Law (50% discount for the first participant and 75% discount for each further participant)
  • free registration for further conferences organised by ECTIL
  • free copy of the Yearbook on European Tort Law published in the years of support, covering the latest developments in tort law in the relevant year in more than 30 jurisdictions
  • free copy of selected further publications of ECTIL published in the years of support

Exclusive Benefits for Sponsors:

  • free Executive Summary on new publications
  • option to hold an exclusive networking event with students/young professionals in the framework of the Annual Conference on European Tort Law
  • exclusive reception for Sponsors at ECTIL conferences
  • access to the ECTIL network to recruit international speakers
For more information on becoming a Supporting Member or Sponsor, please contact

Download ECTIL Folder and Membership Declaration form