Database section
Attribute name
Name of the attribute which will be displayed in the properties list.
Attribute type
Type of value specifying attribute.
Attribute size
Reserved size of value that can be entered into a given property.
Allow empty value
Check this if property should not be controlled for empty values.
Attribute default value
Predefined value for given attribute.
Display attribute in the editing form
If you uncheck this property then attribute in question won’t be available in the configuration dialog in the CMS Desk.
Field section
Field caption
Name of property which will be displayed in the configuration of given web part in the CMS Desk.
Field type
Input type of the web part property.
Field description
Tooltip which will be displayed for this attribute.
Validation section
Regular expression
This regular expression will be used for validator of given web part.
Min length
Minimal length for inserting values.
Max length
Maximal length for inserting values.
Error message
Error message for validator.
Design section
Caption style
Here you can add css styles for caption of given attribute.
Input style
Here you can add css styles for input of given attribute.
Control CSS class
CSS class name which will style this property.