Site display name
The name of the site displayed to the users.
Site code name
The name of the site used in the code.
Site domain name
The main domain of the web site. Use domain name without http:// protocol and without www. If you use other port than 80, specify it as well.
Default content culture
Default culture of the site content. This value can be set only when the new site is created.
Default visitor culture
The content culture that should be set to the visitor if she doesn't have any cookie with preferred culture set. (Automatic) means the culture is decided based on the browser preferences. If none of the preferred languages is supported by the current site, the default culture is used.
Site CSS stylesheet
Default CSS style sheet used for all pages unless they override the value with their own CSS stylesheet.
Editor CSS stylesheet
CSS style sheet used for the WYSIWYG editor content.
Site description
Optional description of the web site for internal use.