Product name
Product name displayed on the web site and in the shopping cart.
Product number
Product number (serial number or SKU number) for your records.
Product description used for special product listings.
Product price in the main currency.
Indicates if product can be added to the shopping cart.
The department that is responsible for this product.
The manufacturer of the product.
The supplier of the product.
Public status
Status of the product displayed to site visitors - e.g. Available immediately.
Internal status
Status of the product determining if it should be e.g. displayed in the Featured products box.
Availability (days)
Number of days required for processing the order (e.g. the order may require 1 day so that you get the product from the distributor).
Product image URL
URL of the product image.
Product weight
Weight in your chosen unit.
Product height
Height in your chosen unit.
Product width
Width in your chosen unit.
Product depth
Depth in your chosen unit.
Available items
Number of items available in stock.
Sell only if items are available
Indicates if customers can purchase only quantity that is in stock (checked box).