
K Oliphant/BC Steininger (eds)
European Tort Law 2011
Tort and Insurance Law, Yearbook
De Gruyter 2012
789 p, ISSN 2190 7773
Language: English
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European Tort Law 2011 (ed by Ken Oliphant and Barbara C Steininger) provides information and analysis about tort law developments in Europe in 2011. It includes reports from most EU Member States, plus Norway and Switzerland, and an overview of developments in the field of EU law. Selected highlights are picked out and evaluated from a comparative perspective in the book's introduction. A bonus feature this year is a 10-year conspectus of developments in Israeli tort law, whose timing is especially propitious because 2011 saw the first reading in the Knesset of a proposed Israeli Civil Code.
The book is published by de Gruyter (Berlin/Boston). For further details, click here.
Contents and Contributors
Ken Oliphant: Introduction
Country Reports
Barbara C Steininger: Austria
Isabelle C Durant: Belgium
Christian Takoff/Viktor Tokushev: Bulgaria
Jirí Hrádek:Czech Republic
Søren Bergenser/Birgitte Vestergaard: Denmark
Annette Morris/Ken Oliphant: England/Wales
Janno Lahe/Irene Kull: Estonia
Päivi Tiilikka: Finland
Olivier Moréteau: France
Florian Wagner-von Papp/Jörg Fedtke: Germany
Eugenia Dacoronia: Greece
Attila Menyhárd: Hungary
Eoin Quill: Ireland
Ronen Perry: Israel
Elena Bargelli: Italy
Agris Bitans: Latvia
Simona Selelionytė-Drukteinienė/Loreta Saltinyte: Lithuania
G Caruana-Demajo, L Quintano, D Zammit: Malta
Ivo Giesen/Anne LM Keirse: The Netherlands
Anne Marie Frøseth Anfinsen/Bjarte Askeland: Norway
Ewa Baginska: Poland
Felipa Sá/André G Dias Pereira: Portugal
Christian Alunaru/Lucian Bojin: Romania
Martin Hogg: Scotland
Anton Dulak: Slovakia
Barbara Novak: Slovenia
Albert Ruda: Spain
Håkan Andersson: Sweden
Peter Loser: Switzerland
Bernhard A Koch: European Union